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This is an open space designed to share experiences, we will publish the latest testimonies received, also be available on our blog. If you want to contribute, send us your testimony.

Nuria, Reiki therapist and Architect of healthy and harmonious spaces. - Sevilla_12/12/2012

"My experience with the essences has been really powerful. First I took the GATE OF HAPPINESS, apparently I did not see any changes, but over time I noticed some, it was not in a drastic way, but little by little I tended not to overwhelm myself or stress myself for nothing, if I did not allow myself to follow the more comfortable and pleasant paths for me. Two months later, I took SUN MORGANA and SOURCE OF THE ONDINE. On the first 3 days I recovered strength and firmness that reminded me of my 16, when I was able to speak my mind without fear of being an unpleasant person or hurting someone, and I did not feel guilty, because my words came from an inner strength and a security that gave me satisfaction and a reassuring clarity, since I knew that it was something that was adjusting itself and that it was not always going to be that way. As a matter of fact, in a week I began to feel the intensity of the impulses lower and a wonderful balance, without losing that firmness. In addition, the security that flourished inside me helped me to see the attachments that I had in some of my relationships, that were not goo for me, and within 3 weeks I got rid of two chains that were part of me for some time, I know that there are some left, but the most influential ones at the moment have already become memories."

Testimony of a therapist from Seville, who tells us about her beautiful experience with the Sun Morgana essence- Sevilla, 14/05/2013

"I have been taking Sun Morgana to balance my masculine and feminine energy and the experience has been beautiful, loving and extremely gratifying. From the first day I started to dream about friends, work buddies, cousins, uncles, my father and brother, ex-partners ... Every night I've been with one of them. Beautiful dreams where we celebrated our meeting, hugs and laughter, conspiratorial looks ... And all these dreams with masculine presences took place in the house where I live now, where I already lived with my family when I was younger (I am 42 springs) The funny thing is that my house, in my dreams, was changing. Suddenly new rooms appeared, brighter and better decorated than the real ones. I must say that during these weeks I have experienced deep love and gratitude for my father´s presence in my life. Now I value from the heart everything he taught me about life: his sense of justice, his desire to protect others, his ability to be fair in very conflict situations, his blessing to make consensus in heterogeneous groups of people ... Anyway, I feel more free and real. And more feminine !!! Thanks to Mother Earth that provides us with everything we need to connect with who we really are. Thank you, Mimón, for your energetic embrace. "


Video - Testimony of Doctor Bache and Norma Velazquez. Dr.Patrick Bache is the precursor and initiator of Holistic Kinesiology at the dental level, he started the classes in Spain, so that this holistic system spread throughout our country. - 04/03/2012

" Since I have been using the Antiaging Formula in my shampoo, my hair has been balanced and it is not oily anymore ... I also use it in my grape extract face cream, and my skin spots disappear litte by little."

Video - Testimony of the therapist Rosa Ollé. Naturalopath, Kinesiologist, Floral Therapist, Reiki Master, Homeopath, Past Life Therapies. She works with the Trembling Light Essences from the beginning and tells us her experience.- 12/02/2012

" 90% of the patients need the Trembling Light, they are fully tuned in to the current moment that Humanity is living, in the here and now, and they are flourishing more and more."
_Rosa Ollé

Video - Testimony of the therapist Lourdes Lapuente . Energy and emotional medicine, naturopath, orthomolecular nutritionist and antiaging. - 1/07/2012

"I use them frequently, I always keep them in mind ... and they work very well." - "In my personal experience, using three particular essences when I had a problem in a moment of my life, really changed my life. That is why I can say that they work very well, they are very powerful. " - "They are essences that help to change"
_Lourdes Lapuente

Amalia Pluma Gris told us about her experience with ... Trembling Light Essences, Amalia Pluma is a floral therapist and facilitator of the Transformation game. 31/07/2012

TEARS OF THE WOODS - A patient of about 30 years could not "stand" her husband's best friends, very present in their daily life. After taking this essence, she was able to speak to them in a relaxed way, without any unease, irritation or intolerance.

BLUE CLOAK - An over weighted housewife was unable to follow a healthy diet. Blue cloak enabled the change and she started to make things differently, what she thought was impossible.

STICK OF THE TRUTH - It's like "tighten the belts there will be some curves". With a clarity and an impressive strength you go along with the sword to cut everything that stands in the Way. It is also one of the essences that you can feel quickly.

TRANSFORMATION - It was taken by a 48 years old patient whom I curiously called Miquelet. He had the feeling of disconnecting from his inner child. He was neglecting it. Curiously, when he took this essence, he began to relate to the world in a forceful way. He got back his intuition – perception, and stopped feeling like a weirdo to allow himself to be more himself.

FREEDOM - This one was incredible. A 50 years old patient took it for only 3 days !!! She had been in a clandestine relationship for more than 6 months with a married coworker, who did not want to commit to anything. But she was still attached to him by invisible and incomprehensible chains. Real attachment. Well, after taking the essence on the third day she goes to meet him, and dares to ask him to commit, facing his refusal, she definitely frees herself from what binds her to him and leaves him. After two days she took mastiki II, but only for a couple of days, she had enough, and things were more than clear.

GATE OF HAPPINESS - I gave it to several people and with all of them it worked in a different way, but following the same cause of change.

When I took it, it offered me new viewpoint in my relationships and old patterns. Although as I told you I needed a second dose. The second time I was not so aware of the change but I did noticed it was at a deeper level.

A patient who had not talked to her mother for more than a year (pain, resentment, victimism, etc.) suddenly called her for coffee, and since then their relationship started over.

Another patient seemed to be about to live in harmony, but there was a recurring theme troubling him. After taking the essence, he began to focus on this point, and to say no, starting to ensure his own well-being instead of satisfying others. He told me that he wanted to take a second shot, as if he had the feeling that something was still missing. "" _Amalia Pluma Gris."


Agapi told us about his experience with ... The Gate of Happiness
Agapi Apostolopoulou reads akashic records, workshops for women. 27/06/2012

"The Gate of Happiness has been a solution to find the balance between my mind and my heart. For me, it helped me to love myself and leave behind the past to let the future enter my renewed life full of magical surprises. For me there is a "before and after"!




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